Terms & Conditions
1.1 Enrolments
• All new clients must complete an enrolment form and share some personal details prior to beginning their first tennis lesson. Information shared will be kept confidential.
• All clients who have completed a term of tennis coaching will have their enrolment forwarded onto the following term of coaching unless they have informed the coach or the coach discusses a change in the program with the parent/guardian.
1.2 Payments
• Payment for all programs other than tennis workouts must be made in full for the term of coaching. This includes private lessons, squad, junior & adult groups and Tennis Hot Shots.
• Tennis workouts can be paid for on a casual basis or through a 10-pass card.
• Invoices will be sent via email through the Square Up App and can be paid either by bank transfer, credit card or cash.
• Failure to make payments by the due date on the invoice, may result in losing that spot in a class or the timeslot organised with the coach. This is due to strictly limited places in each class.
• Payment plans can be organised through the coach upon request.
• Receipts can be produced upon request.
1.3 Cancellations & Make-Up Lessons
• A cancellation policy applies to all private lessons which includes that the coach must know by 9am the day of the lesson if it is an after school lesson or within 4 hours for a daytime lesson prior to school finishing. This allows the coach time to reschedule lessons without inconvenience.
A maximum of 2 cancellations per term of coaching for private lessons will be accepted, however, any more then 2 cancellations will see the student's agreed lesson time given away to a more committed student or possibly taken away altogether.
• Cancellations of group lessons due to sickness or other commitments unfortunately can't be made up due to limited spots.
• Make-up lessons or credited lessons will be awarded due to wet weather, long term illness, unforeseen injury or any other circumstances that the coach sees acceptable.
1.4.1 Wet Weather Policy
• If the weather causes coaching to be cancelled, all clients will be sent a text message informing them of the cancellation with as much notice as possible. The tennis courts
can dry up quite quickly, and if the rain stops, coaching may still be able to go ahead.
• Any washed-out lessons will either be made up or credited to the following terms coaching fees.
• If you are uncertain about whether lessons will be on, you can call or text
0402265780 for a quick response. If you are unable to get in contact, then the coach is most likely on the tennis court coaching.
1.4.2 Extreme Heat Policy
• If the weather causes coaching to be cancelled, all clients will be sent a text message informing them of the cancellation with as much notice as possible.
• Our extreme heat policy states that lessons in conditions between 32-36 degrees celsius will go ahead in a modified format. Temperatures above 36 degrees celsius will see lessons cancelled until the weather drops below 36 degrees. For Cardio Tennis Workouts, sessions will be cancelled when the temperature is 32 degrees or above. Weather apps and the BOM will be used to determine the temperature at the time of the decision to cancel. Lessons cancelled will be credited to the following terms coaching fees
• If you are uncertain about whether lessons will be on, you can call or text
0402265780 for a quick response. If you are unable to get in contact, then the coach is most likely on the tennis court coaching.
1.5 Public Holidays
• Tennis lessons will not be held on any public holidays, including the Melbourne Cup long weekend on both Monday and Tuesday.
1.6 Coaching Terms
• Tennis Coaching will be held throughout each week of the normal school term.
• Holiday Clinics and Holiday Round Robin Tournaments will be held each school holiday period, as long as sufficient courts are available and sufficient coaches are available.
1.7 Coaching Abilities
• Coaches will endeavour to assess and place pupils in a class of their age and standard.
• If pupils need to change their group, these changes will typically be made at the end of a term of coaching unless the coach feels that the opportunity to move a pupil needs to be done immediately.
1.8 Parents Involvement
• We do encourage all parents to be involved in their son/daughter’s tennis journey in a positive way. However, once children are on the court with the coach, we request that parents refrain from coaching from the sidelines or yelling out negative comments.
• All thoughts, advice, plans, goals etc. can be discussed prior to or post the lesson when the coach is free from coaching duties.
1.9 First Aid
• Coaches have their First Aid Level 2 qualifications, and if need be will provide first aid should any incidences occur.
• Should any pupils have known medical conditions, disabilities or additional learning needs we’d appreciate it if you could inform us and provide the necessary information, equipment or advice to deal with and support the player.
2.0 Photos, Videos and Other Media
• Coaches may use photos, videos or other forms of media to advertise the tennis coaching business or to use in coaching the pupils. If parents/guardians wish for this to not occur with any pupils, we request that you can inform us in writing either via email or letter.
• Parents or any others taking photos of children in classes may only do so of their own children, otherwise they must have written consent from other parents or guardians of all children having their photo taken.
Thanks for everyone's support.